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arts review中文是什么意思

用"arts review"造句"arts review"怎么读"arts review" in a sentence


  • 艺术评论


  • On relations between kantian aesthetics and western contemporary literature amp; amp; art review
  • State - of - the - art review on studies of disater resistance of high - voltage transmission tower - line systems
  • Students or groups may reserve the international house for functions . faces - a global arts review jointly organized and presented by the international student bodies of ocu
  • A state - of - art review of several branches of fracture , which are related to the dissertation , are presented , including macroscopic - microcosmic fracture mechanics , fracture dynamic mechanics , 3d crack problem etc . the crack technique , which is the basis and application of controllable regular fracture , are also reviewed concisely but thoroughly
  • We have a specialized art review panel composed of national and international prestigious calligraphic and painting appraisal experts and relevant professional organizations to review relevant works , we have set up awards for lifelong achievenments in calligraphy and painting , publish their works in prestigious publications , help calligraphic and painting elites to become prestigious calligraphers and painters , and provide added value in creation
用"arts review"造句  
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